Saturday, October 9, 2010

I heart my cat

He's King.  Period.  I'm just a serving maid.

My dad has a green thumb- it's an innate gift he possesses- I swear the man walks upon a path of greenery with each step he takes.  His foot meeting concrete equals greenery.  It has been like this for as long as I can remember.

His real gift remains with fruit trees; grape vines and above all: roses.  Roses of any and all species.  In the time that I have recognized his action of gardening...I would estimate he has cultivated some 50-60 rose bushes.

On a foggy Saturday I overheard the hushed voices of my parents discussing the cause of death for several species of rose bushes, near the front of our house.  I must have been near twelve at the time.  I remember the discussion  of gophers as the main cause.  I also remember the solution:  bombing rodents.  It's simply not enough to say I was mad.  Irate isn't powerful enough descriptor either.  Catastrophic anger?  Yes- that's more like it.  I cannot remember raising a voice to either of my parents before that moment.  I did then.  I didn't just raise my voice- I believe I screamed "at," my dad for believing that was remotely acceptable.  Then, I screamed at Mom for letting him do it.  I caused a scene, indeed.  And before too long, I was asked to find something else to occupy my time.

I made an ass of myself over...errrr... the age of twelve.  And...I would again at the age of thirty.  I promise.

I believe in the magic of animals.  It matters not how much a reader laughs or mocks- it's an earnest understanding I own, rather openly.  Creatures of any given size, ability and creation give us heart and reason to wake up and smile. 

My love of animals has no real defined beginning- I suppose such massive love was something I was given at birth.  It has made for some minor complications in life.  I want them all.  In many instances, my respect for animals overwhelms that of my own species, at times- which isn't too hard to imagine if you pay any attention to the news.  I have come to a multitude of screeching halts, in order to avoid them on roads...and have risked accidents to do so.  I have quit a job over the White One below.  I have cried over them.  I have argued in their defenses...and been deemed a fool for such behavior.  I got in a earth-shattering fight with my parents over them.  I would call in sick, from work, at the loss of one of my own.

Many of us find ourselves blatantly consumed by an indescribable love of animals- or we simply don't.  In my experience- breaking it down is really that simple.  Great or small...some of us are destined to love most or all..  

My cat, Bosie, is well...he has a big part of my heart.  

Cat, bed and books...all in one space.  Perfection.

Most certainly NOT a morning cat.  Not at all...

Ready for bed- like clockwork.  An episode of The Tudors.  Thirty minutes reserved for reading.  And bedtime.

I simply cannot get enough of this little man.

 I would hope that every one of us finds an animal who inspires this much love.  It just reminds you to slow down, take a breath and simply be...

And a few friends from Costa Rica.

Costa Negro greeted us upon our arrival to an outdoor cafe in Costa Rica.  

This little Queen also claimed her stake on a chair in the same outdoor cafe.

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