Monday, May 23, 2011

A Good Place To Start...

In an effort to complain less and do more, I thought I might make note of things I love, love, love this week.  I'll delve in to a different category each day and to start on this Monday evening, we'll begin with one of my favorites: books.

Hands down, reading is a cherished hobby, one that I make more time for than eating and, er... visits to the gym.


I've had a h.e.c.k. of a time with my camera, USB cord and the successful transfer of images, so I'll try this a way other than the creative one I'd planned on.

Here's a list to get us started (in no particular order, mind you):

This one was the first real novel I tore through.  I read it in Mrs. Brown's 3rd grade class, and it taught me why I would come to love reading so much...I could relate to something else, in the world, outside of my own reality...and...I could escape.  Thank you Ms. Brink for introducing me to my great love.

Paulo Coelho would become one of my most beloved favorites, e.v.e.r.  Of the all-time kind of beloved.  His pieces remind me to soar, to seek, to stand still, to be quiet, to love, to be.  I am enamored with this man and love everything he has ever written.  With a tumultuous past of his own, Coelho reigns superior in the fight to remain true to himself, to explore the unexplainable and myth.  His pen is magic realism, and he makes my soul fight to breath.

This master of Literature wrote, what is perhaps my most favorite love story of all-time.  She pens the reality of a time, past.  Reading anything by Jane Austen reminds me that being a woman on fire isn't such a new thing, really and that women have blazed the trail before me, so that my voice may be heard.  Elizabeth is a heroine for her time and reminds us all that social decorum, while pompous at times, is definable in a multitude of terms.  Mr. Darcy is, well, Mr. Darcy...and well...

Dear Patrick Rothfuss,
You write a damn good story.  Reading this mass of genius felt like sipping sweet tea in summertime.  I completely lost myself in this novel...and I am devoted to your blog.  You are a pairer (I made up this word) of words like no one else, Sir and I love you. I love faeries, and you must have met one, because I believed every word you wrote about Felurian.  And, I think she's real. Your second novel was just as amazing, and I anticipate the third installation in the same way a dog begs for meat on the dinner table.  I am happy to read any progressions for you...

Dear Andrew,

You are totally my literary boyfriend (I am sure my real-life boyfriend wont mind).  I am absolutely in love with you and this book, with ever fiber of my being.  This is the perfect novel, containing everything a novel ought.  Romance, remnants of myth and legend, mentions of classic literature, tragedy and adventure.  This will forever be on my Top 5 Favorites of All Time f.o.r.e.v.e.r.  Period.

Now...this one taught me that my obsession with food is completely and totally normal, and reasonable.  It also taught me that folks write about food in the same way they write about relationships.  This one taught me to run with my love of food, to cook more, write about it and enjoy every second of it.  

Before I began this blog this eve, I finished this book:

And while I waited for my unsuccessful attempt to load photos, I started this one:

And here's what's on the Summer Reading List:

So there it is, no complaints...okay, so I made mention of my inability to load some pictures, but in all, a success.  Some staples.

More to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha- when I read that you have a thing for cowboys, I was going to comment and recommend the Pioneer Woman... then I read further and saw you had been there, done that! And I am entirely with you on Pride and Prejudice.