Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Welcomed Challenge: 31 Consecutive Days of Quick Writes

In a sudden urge to collect my most self-possessed mindset, I have decided that it's time to hold myself accountable for something I can be proud of.  I complete tasks on a daily basis, but the thought here is different.

Really, it just boils down to the very basic need to accomplish something of value, according to the Gospel of Me.

Tomorrow is December 1st.  My writing goals are big...okay...they're grandiose.  I admit.  And yet, the magnitude of my goals holds me back, time and time again, as evidence that I tend to bite off more than I can chew.  I cannot write a mind-blowing novel in one's just not in me, nor is it in my daily schedule, so I'll back off the trail a bit and start smaller.

Once upon a time (a few months ago) I was obsessed with the drive to "get fit."  Only, my goals were rather unreasonable...starting from scratch, with the intent to run 3 miles 5 days a week soon proved itself a rather impossible goal.   I became so insecure about my own goal, so intimidated that the thought of donning trail shoes became a chore, rather than the blessing it once was years ago.  Running, at this juncture failed to be the "place of personal peace" it once was years ago and became a battle. And then a wise woman spoke.  "Start with your daily goal, and cut it by half."

Ummm.  Duh.  This advice was the best jewel one could have bestowed to me- and fittingly, with the battle lessened and the goal became less intimidating, I have been in the gym, almost daily, working up to that "place of personal peace" I once maintained.

The next 31 days will be similar, in terms of redefining a goal.

As mentioned, I cannot write a novel in a month, but I can write for 10 minutes, daily for the next 31 days, prompted by a thought, created by my own source of thought, encased by things that light me up, calm me enrage me and in turn, remind me that I am indeed alive.  (Note to self by the way:  writing time will consist of a precise 10 minutes, flat.  No more).

Tomorrow marks the first day of 1 then, of what will become the first of 31 random free writes....let the games begin:

Day 1:  Why Do You Write?  What Do You Hope To Gain From It?
Day 2:  Name the first song that comes to mind.  What about it?
Day 3:  Who do you miss?
Day 4:  In whom are you disappointed and why?
Day 5:  Gay marriage.  Yes?  No?  Why?
Day 6:  What's up with the animal thing?
Day 7:  A regret and why?
Day 8:  Blessing and Curse- choose one personality trait which proves to be your blessing and your curse
Day 9:  Name 3 things for which you are grateful
Day 10:  Name 3 things that enrage you and why
Day 11:  What's the first book you see on  your bookcase..write about it
Day 12:  What are you most afraid of in life?
Day 13:  Biggest regret
Day 14:  Choose 3 people who have changed your life
Day 15:  Dream job
Day 16: Choose a song on your ipod- why did you include it?
Day 17:  What feels like home?
Day 18:  Happy Birthday, Mom
Day 19:  Why young adult novels?
Day 20:  Why do you love to cook?
Day 21:  Best inside joke
Day 22:  Do you accept Jesus
Day 23:  Why Tori Amos?
Day 24:  Greatest memory as a child
Day 25:  What are you grateful for today- choose 2 things and 2 people
Day 26:  What do you wish you could change about yourself?
Day 27:  What about yourself do you hope will NEVER change?
Day 28: 'bout that Marilyn Manson concert?
Day 29: Personality trait you abhor most in others
Day 30: What do you think of when you hear the word "wine?"
Day 31: Admit a wish you've made recently

Alright...I timed myself...took me 16 minutes to come up with the above prompts...I'll hold to them...limit the writing to 10 minutes only and promise not to change up the prompts.

See you in 31 days!

1 comment:

Eric said...

31 fascinating topics...I'm looking forward to reading each one!