Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 10: Name 3 things that enrage you and why

I'm thinking I should have titles this series of blogs "Deep Thoughts with Brett Miller," because they're all SO SERIOUS.  What in the world?

Anyway, on to the topic.

Generally, I have very little patience for folks who think that mockery is the most intellectual form of wit.  To be witty entails far more than the slice of the tongue.  It's also about being quick on your feet and clever.  Deeming one's witty pretenses under the guise of general lack of tact is not the way I choose to carry or handle myself.  Being an ass and then covering it up with humor isn't funny.  It just expresses a shallow heart.

Second, as we might expect, revolves around the way we treat animals and the planet.  I don't believe this Earth is "ours," and I don't believe that animals and the world is ours to do with, simply, as we please.  It's a borrowed home.  Someday we will perish and the Earth will still spin.  Mama Nature has us beat, big time.  

Third revolves around what we do in "the name of God."  We all have a basis of thought revolving around God, some of which deem God for not.  Yet, using God as an excuse to make your own means, or more, collecting money, sickens me, really.  I could....

timer goes off...

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