Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 2: Name the first song that comes to mind. What about it?

Alright, I'm treading in pretty muddy waters with this one, but I've vowed to be totally honest in this challenge, despite whom I might offend, fingers are actually trembling here....

The first song that comes to mind is "MARYS OF THE SEA" by Tori Amos.  This was the first time, in my life, that I was able to recognize and admit to my own challenges with the Bible.

In the 6th Century, Pope (I believe it was Gregory?  George?) officiated the assertion that Mary Magdalene was a whore, therefore freeing Christ of any assumed sins he may committed in the love (PERHAPS) felt for the first person who saw that Christ had risen.  It was later, in i believe, the 20th Century that the ten Pope acknowledged that this assertion may indeed be challenged.

I remember, to the moment, when I asked my parents if the notion that Christ and Mary may have loved one another.  Dad, as always was open to the discussion, I think he was proud that my brain questions nearly everything, and Mom was, well, deeply offended.

The fact that Mary and Christ could have loved one another changes everything for me.  I have battled with the teachings of the Bible and continue to question most things.  But MARY'S story intrigues me, especially considering she's now a  Saint, has a church, is mentioned in the New Testament more frequently than the male apostles AND was the first person to witness the Grace of God, or, as we call it, the Rising of Christ.

That I am curious about the romantic nature of MARY'S AND Jesus' relationship is an abomination to most, and I tend to keep my thoughts in a very small circle of folks, as my traditional beliefs offend most people anyway.  None the less, this song reminds me that I am indeed not the only one who believes that the teachings of the most important book of all time, are indeed challenged. My brain does this, not as a means to be different or because I am difficult by nature...ok, I totally am, but still...the fact that I can relate to another concept which ultimately defies...

timer goes off....


Eric said...

"Accept nothing, challenge everything."

I, for one, do not believe in the status quo. I choose to form my own opinions based on my own research.

There's nothing wrong with asking questions, regardless of how tough there are. It seems to me that people react the strongest when they themselves are unsure (or unlearned) on the topic.

Love Letters to Dad said...

Wow, well said. The older I get, the more I find myself surrounded by folks who believe they have all things figured out, and while I feel like a young child, at times, for my constant search to "get this life right," I am happy that I don't have all the answers and that life interests me enough to ask uncomfortable questions, and express ideas that make people squirm :)

What, then, would be the purpose of life, if we had it all figured out?