Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 21: Best inside joke

Oh boy...this could take a while...focus.  Focus.

The hardest part about describing why an inside joke is so funny is because of the nature of its existence: it's kept within the confines of folks who were present at the birth of something which made its presence known, somehow and most times really isn't all that funny to the rest of us, but here goes...

Namaste:  my childhood friend and best manfriend has a way of taking the simplest things in life and expanding them in to something show-worthy.  I would compare him to Seinfeld, but it's not the same thing really.  Take yoga for instance.  It's a heavily sought after outlet for a multitude of reasons- the benefits are expansive, varied and tangible.  They're also a benefit to one's sense of personal peace and inner mindset.  Then take James' ability to play any instrument on the planet.  Then add a dash of perverse sense of humor.  Mix 'em all together, and try to do even 5 minutes of yoga in his presence.  You wont be able to do it.  The sweet sounds of some terrible New Age music filters through the air and just as you get in to downward dog, he's naming the poses as you flow through your set...and it's not so much the look on his face that makes it so painful but the tone of his's indescribable, but in my stead to really push through the course of something as simple as a sun salutation, I suddenly imagine trying to take a yoga class with him....I'd pee my pants before I got to minute 4.  It just could never happen.


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