Monday, December 23, 2013

Dear 2013,

Dear 2013,

It's the last night of my vacation and I think I'll do a little pondering.

You really kicked my ass this year.  You were sort of like a really bad case of chicken pox that wouldn't go away.  Not necessarily hazardous, just terribly annoying.

I'd like to say a few things before we part ways (for which I am eternally grateful, might I add):

1.  You really kicked my ass this year.

2.  Thanks for reminding me never to lie.  It's better to be broken by the truth than broken by a lie.  I won't forget that next time I have some pretty terrible news to deliver.  Also, Karma's got my back on this one.

3.  I've had two trips to the E.R. in less than 6 months.  I don't think this one really calls for any additional notes.

4.  I've paid off more medical bills in 6 months than I have pimples on my face (I'm sort of happy about that in a supremely vain kind of way...).  Thank you for allowing me the ability to pay them off.  I've done so with a new-found appreciation for folks' inability to pay for the truly tragic circumstances.  The medical industry does not make this process easy and I'm not a fan.  Taxes in Canada are higher but so is the quality of life.  Just some food for thought, 'Merica.  Thank Goddess for health insurance- otherwise I'd be up a brown creek.  I promise you, that should I some day win the lottery, I will find one family in dire need of a child's medical attention and pay the majority of their final bill...I promise you this.  (I've also learned how to "budget" and have discovered that salad is pretty cheap when all is said and done).

5.  I learned how to perfect the art of a "homemade Christmas" because I'm broke (see #4).  I am in love with the gifts I made and appreciate the solace in which I made them.

6.  I have a new-found respect for my body's ability to heal itself.  And while I cursed the medical industry in #4 (see above), I'm grateful for a group of doctors who've told me my running (i.e. super-fast walking) career has come to a halt and yoga's back in.  Score!!!!

7.  I've written more in the last 6 months than I may have in the last 6 years- this is a good thing.  I'll commemorate this year of mass hostility on my "Gratitude" page of my first published least you'll be recognized for your contribution in p*****g me off so much, it was all I could do but pound the keys on my laptop.

8.  My cat still loves me, despite you.  He even met a dog he likes.  And ya, the dog likes him.  I have a feeling they're going to be swell friends.

9.  2014 is bound to be better than you.  Anything's better than you, really (see #s 1-8).

10.  You really kicked my ass this year.  Thanks for showing me what I'm made of.

11.  Last but not least, thank you for breaking my heart, utterly.  You cannot feel the depth of warmth until you've slid, hard, into a glacier of ice.

Goodbye 2013.  You will not be missed.



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