Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 14: Choose 3 people who have changed your life

Whoa.  Okay, so going with the first set of folks that come to mind:

My parents- they are utilized here as one, namely my stepfather.  It's a hard thing to come to terms with, when a family separates, parents drift and families seem to unravel before one's eyes.  I have an incredibly complex family life, filled with a personalities, each their own and sets of values which vary greatly.  I see my mother as the one person who seems to keep it together, somehow, and I see my step-dad (my Dad) as the one who gave me a second chance.  Not all of us gets another chance at family.  I did, and for that I am grateful- doesn't mean it's easy, no Sir. I take some matters with a grain of salt and others affect deeply.  I can say with confidence that my parents are two of the most sound-minded and supportive people I have.

Second person would be James B.  This is a friend for life- he's kind of my bestie.  Despite the years, distance and life challenges, we have stayed true to our friendship.  We don't talk everyday, but this is a man who challenges me, time and time again, to stay true to myself and my path.  He tells me things I don't want to hear, but need to hear, and visa versa- he's a constant.

Last person is my boyfriend.  Recognizing the need to understand a person's state in life makes me focus more on my own, and how I share that with someone I love.  We are each highly complex people with deep passions for things which affect us, though I'm more prone to admit those things :).  He's a master of his life, and is one of the most collectively respected people, among both peers and family I have ever met. He encourages me to be me, though it confounds him and pays attention to the smaller details in life.  He's courageous, gifted, skilled, reasonable and stubborn all in one handsome package...

timer goes off...

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