Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Just Beyond the Edge of Fear

I want to talk about fear.

Pure, organic and unadulterated, fear.

Fear can paralyze us in this frozen spectrum of time, through which we remain unable to grasp even the simplest things, concepts, people and motions of movement.  It becomes hot, this inertia existing inside ready to defend but still unable to do so because it locks us tight, makes us rigid and bound to some form of rule set we've created.  That rule set determines the course by which we freeze.

We are not enough to get this thing, this person, this dream, this reality we want.

We are not enough to be this thing, this person, this dream, this reality we want.

When fear paralyzes, it binds us to the impossible.  To the not enough.  To the I can't. To the I don't know how and to all of those things, those voices and those reasonable and logical pieces that tell us fear is the risk and to stay is the safe place, despite the pain it causes.

It becomes the thing that binds us to pain.  And so we become the un-doable.

And that, my darlings, is how we know that the thing we fear may, in fact, be the very thing we must face head-on.

I fear change and yet I crave it at every instant of my life.  I am a juxtaposition in this game.  I fear that which I cannot know.  I fear those people who I cannot possibly know.  I fear the prospect of the effort that must exist to make change and that which must force me to move this inertia of passion and drive in me.  And yet the risks I take in not meeting the edge of fear is so much greater than the fear of actually facing that fear and shoving it aside.  It's a mirror.  It's two things at once.  It's complicated and indiscernible if you don't pay attention.

But fear is also humbling, wise and warm.

There's a way to discern fear's place in life.


Your heart.  What your heart tells you in the face of fear is the guide that tells you when you've met fear head-on and danced in this beautiful hot fire and come through it alive.  When your heart meets fear and your intuition tells you that everything you want is right over the edge of fear and your heart beats with the joy of actually meeting the darkness of fear, you know you've met your match and won.

Check mate.

I win.

When you can see fear as humbling, as a reasonable set of rules by which you take a risk with thoughtful inertia, with true intent and with warmth, you know that the fear is just a small voice of caution and not an all-consuming chill that straps you to a place from which you are immovable.  When fear becomes a thing that guides our logical self to make sound decisions through kindness, grace and real effort, then we know we are on the right path.  Fear is a mechanism by which we achieve greatness, dreams and sometimes, if we're lucky, bliss.  We just have to know how to read our hearts through the space of fear,

And in this journey of my own, as I take the greatest risk of my life, I honor the fear.  I honor the reality of that fear and do not take it for granted and cannot take it in so much so, either, that it freezes me in this path.  I choose to allow this fear to humble my decision-making process, my path, my career, my sense of self and help define what it is I have to share.

I've met fear, just at the edge of my comfort level and use it to my advantage so that I may gain wisdom in this risk...so that I may learn to take flight on a path which becomes me as I walk this line. And this meeting with fear is altogether different.  It is free of suffocation, bounded rules and expectations from this life.  This meeting with fear is a calm discussion of the facts, perhaps with a spot of tea.  It is a wise pursuit of truth on a new journey and I am humbled by and grateful for the balance of logic is provides along with a desperate cry fro big freedom.

And when you can have tea with fear, that is when you know, She guides you well because the resounding notion that you can conquer that fear is bigger than She is.  And She knows.

So, she says her piece, provides you with her warnings and nags you as a mother might and then, she steps aside when she recognizes a warrior She cannot stop because that warrior is bound by their heart and not the fear.

In yoga, we like to encourage folks to meet their edge."  And as that is so apropos, I say go ahead, meet the edge of your fear and take one, small step, just beyond it and see what happens...

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